For the fast relief of pain, headache, migraine, rheumatic and arthritic pain, fibrosis, neuralgia, toothache, cold and flu symptoms, sore throats and period pain and inflammation associated with back and muscular pain, strains and sprains.
Adults: Take 1-3 tablets dissolved in half a glass of water every 4 to 6 hours as necessary. Do not exceed 4 doses in 24 hours unless advised by a doctor.
Warnings and cautions
Do not exceed recommended dose. Prolonged or excessive use can be harmful.
Not recommended for children under 16 years of age, except on medical advice.
Do not give to children or teenagers with chicken pox, influenza or fever unless advised by a doctor.
Do not take this product if you are allergic to aspirin.
Do not take this product if you are taking anticoagulant therapy.
People with peptic ulcers, asthmatics and pregnant woman should seek medical advice before taking Ethics Dispersible Aspirin.
Keep out of reach of children.
Tablets must be dissolved in water.
Store below 25 degrees celsius and protect from heat and moisture.